the representatives


Comic Book Adaptation by Zachary Sergi & Alex Tagali.

(Currently seeking publication home. PDF Sample Here.)

Want to know what happens next? Continue reading the fiction issues!

The Representatives may be the only super-famous super-team equipped to handle the toughest cases in the galaxy—but nothing compares to the struggle of seven diverse adults living under the same mansion roof.

These legendary heroes are the Verses Galaxy’s best and brightest, called to protect its most valuable melting-pot planet…usually with a tabloid flare for the dramatic.

The Representatives is a fully diverse, intersectionally-representative Avengers tackling Black Mirror/Star Trek cases, all while steeped in Downton Abbey sweeping family drama. It also takes place in the interconnected Sergiverse, linking to the best-selling interactive novel series Versus and Heroes Rise.

Unlock monthly fiction episodes of The Representatives on Patreon, which include interactive polls to decide story directions. This subscription directly supports all of Zach’s writing projects, but also ensures future installments of The Representatives!

read double-sized issue #1 (free)

READ ISSUEs #1 through #12

(Behind the scenes: Writing arc one)

Character Art by Alex Tagali.